Friday, March 23, 2012

You Work Real Hard and Pay's Real Low. . .

This week I have been working real hard!  (I do every day.)

About an hour before we closed for the day at the park, I sat down and just felt exhausted.  My body ached, especially my palms.  It was very weird.  I realized that I had not sat down since lunch time.  I was running every where for everybody.

Vince needs clothes for his wife.
Justin needs a glass coffee mug.
5 winners weren't enough at BINGO.
Jim needs help filling out his online job application.
Red needs shoes, a hat, a beanie, and gloves.  And so does his three friends.
Randy didn't get lunch and hasn't eaten in three days.
Westley proposed after I got him a pair of shoes.
Christina needs medication and to get away from her abusive boyfriend, and needs to stay off drugs.
Rabbit needs to yell at somebody.
John needs a friendly face to talk to.
Zia sent me a card telling me we'd always be best friends.

And that was just today, and only a few of the stories.

Everyday is filled with stories at the park.  I love helping people, but I'm ready for the weekend.

No plans but relaxation.


  1. Nicole, you know I don't post comments on your blog, but after reading this one today I just had to! I am so proud of you and the work you do!!! Mom

  2. I hope you got to relax this weekend Nicole, I am in awe at how many people you and your organization help. Hugs to you, Aunt J
